Thursday, January 06, 2005

What is this?

This weblog is intended to be about the elephant in the room, the large and radioactive issues that are sitting right there in plain view but are – for some reason – all but unmentionable in public forums.

For example, congress is meeting at this very moment to certify the election of G. Bush, and a group of senators have apparently joined up with the Conyers contingent in the house to object to the Ohio vote, which was unarguably corrupted. There is not a single mention of this in the NYT. The messy problems in Ohio are quite well known but vastly under-reported in the major news outlets since the election took place. If the challenge does happen, if Senator Boxer raises an objection as I've heard that she will, then the two houses will be forced to vote separately to certify the election after a maximum of two hours of debate, and then that will be the end of it. Is this a big deal?

Is it a big deal that Bush has stolen the presidential election for the second time and will easily get away with it? Of course it is, and the fact that it is not treated as such elsewhere and that folks are not screaming from the rooftops everywhere makes this topic fluorescent.


Luminous Pachyderm said...

Test comment: Ok, but do you have anything interesting to say?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the forum. How necessary this is.

Did you read about the latest presidential polls and AP headline, "American's ambivalent about Bush?"

I found curious a quote from a teacher in a Christian school who supports Bush: "It's almost better to be wrong and then correct it, than to vacillate and be stomped. " She seems to be admitting that she's aware Bush was wrong, and is waiting for a correction of some sort, but how can there be a correction without first an admittance of the error or wrong-doing? Bush hasn't admitted to any wrong-doing or error and there are no "corrections" in the works, as far as the war goes. Also, interesting what an effective brain-washing job the political propaganda machine did in presenting Kerry as "vacillating." Have we become mere puppets in the hands of advertising and propaganda and so easily manipulated by fear? And let's not even tackle the other fluorescent elephant--a teacher in a Christian school preferring to go down the wrong path, attack another, all in the name of self-preservation. I somehow missed that "strike down by the sword before you are stuck down by the sword " passage in the teachings of Jesus. All those elephants charging in one quote.
Have you come across any fluorescent elephants today?

Anonymous said...

Sore losers like you give this nation a bad name. You're making an underhanded jab at the best president since Ronald Reagan. (signed) Disgusted