Saturday, January 08, 2005

News Update: Bush Won!

Yes, the national election is finished and George II won, so there is no further need to keep a lid on the tsunami of bad news that might have allowed voters to properly evaluate the actual performance of the Bush administration's first term in office. The blundering project in Iraq is a catastrophe of historical proportions, a fact that has been apparent to everyone around the world, but here at home we were subject to an unceasing barrage of happy propaganda from the hired guns at Fox News, Clear Channel, and Sinclair. At what point will the multitudes of O'Reilly and Limbaugh clones be unable to keep this up? With several Americans and over twenty Iraqis meeting violent death every day, haven't we arrived yet? Will the turning point be the upcoming Iraqi national election that gives every current indication of approaching massacre, complete with explosive polling stations?

The fact that republican control of communications and entertainment venues has corrupted the media beyond recognition is now fully apparent, so can we at least put an end to this fluorescent pretense that things were just as bad during the Clinton years?

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