Monday, February 13, 2006

Artificial Life

In a tremulous tenor vibrato, Adam (the
cockroach) warbles a medley of old
advertising jingles with Eve (the laptop)
on a tranquil evening in Disneyland.

Their discordant harmony sets the aero-
cars soaring and teacups whirling in
reverent anamnesis of string-twanging
forebears (homunculus extinctus), who

for the benefit of share-holders, optioned
their venerable shaggy-dog story to the
residual markets and vanished across the
event horizon of Toad’s Wild Ride.

The Golden Age of Cockroach-Computers shall
endure until the Sun fails to rise over animatronic
gardens, and beyond even that, throughout the
Topsy Turvy realm of Tomorrowland.