Monday, December 26, 2005

Far Along

Possibly for the first time ever, Milo found himself in the position of being able to remove some of the constraints that had been imposed on him by others. He saw before him a world in which he could do just as he pleased, and this new world of freedom was easily accessible to him in the shadowy space underneath the coffee table in his grandmother’s living room, so into this wonderful place he scrambled with gleeful abandon, his knees and elbows pumping like pistons. When he found himself centrally positioned under the table, his grandparents were no longer visible, which for Milo meant that they did not exist. By the simple but audacious act of crawling underneath the coffee table, he had removed his grandparents from the world, thereby removing the annoyance of their power over him, and upon discovering his delightful free agency in this fresh new world, this world in which he was unrestrained by the commandments imposed on him by his grandparents, Milo experienced a feeling of gratification so intense that he could not resist screaming out with joy. So delighted was he by the discovery of his newfound power to break the restraining bonds of familiar relations that he rushed out and crawled right back under the coffee table to discover it again, and again, and again, each time screaming with the ecstasy of his victorious independence.

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