Saturday, September 23, 2006

Muz be election time, Miz Beaver

People are startin' to kinda wonder what happened to that towel-head we were spozed to be chasin' down in hot pursuit last year, or when was it, five years ago? Whoops, better snip the leader on that dead fish so it doesn't stink up the joint any further. It's time to float a story that el supremo boogey-man has succumbed to some disgustin' disease like, say, typhoid?

Ok good, now back to Iraq.

Whoops, hold your whiskers there, Gin-Rummy, you rascal you, and refocus your peepers on that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad evil-doer, the scourge of the United National Doggy Biscuit Festival. Oh you are such a good boy today! Yes you are! Go fetch me a few of those missile cruisers 'n' submarines, and make it look like, you know, we're serious about this nuclear whatever-whatever, ok? But don't alarm the electorate, and here's a nice doggy biscuit. Wolf! Wolf!

Joking aside, I don't believe the report that Bin Laden is dead of typhoid in a remote area of Pakistan. We've heard it all before. But as to the question of whether the nuclear armada steaming toward Iran is a bluff or preparation for an actual attack, it's anybody's guess. We've actually been promised another October surprise this year. (They're not even trying to hide it any more, as if it was football.) Is that it? A nuclear bombardment of the nuclear R&D facilities of Iran plus conventional bombardment of that country's infrastructure as a last minute booster for republicans in the midterm? God, I dunno, it seems awfully far-fetched, but hey, whatever it takes! I wonder what's really in those missiles? Brioche? Phylo dough? (Reagan sent a cake.)

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